Socialists think that money will solve all man's problems. Everything is obsessively related to money in the socialist ideology.
That seems to apply to capitalism.
They have an almost supernatural ability to blame others with more money. God calls this greed and envy. They are sins.
Capitalists blame those with little money for their problems. They think they're entitled to the wealth that workers produce (which transforms into money). They are greedy, constantly thinking of ways to increase their money at the expense of others.
Remember the National Socialist German Workers' Party? No? They were called Nazi's for short.
Hitler killed all the Socialist leaders in the Nazi party. That historical event is called "The night of the long knives". Hitler also hated communists and rounded them up into the concentration camps.
The party, in its beginning, had been a hybrid party. They called themselves "nationalist" in order to attract the right wing (whenever the word "nationalist" comes to mind it always applies to the right wing). They called themselves "Socialist" to attract the left wing. By attracting the disaffected of both movements they were able to draw enough voters to win an election.
The fate of the Socialists within the Nazi party was sealed when Hitler came into power. Once they were killed off and the election was won they started destroying unions - something no Socialist would do.
Same thing applied to the other two major fascists in Europe. Mussolini, in Italy, had been kicked out of the Socialist party. Franco, in Spain, had the Socialists trying to kill him.
Domination is the result of Socialism, not freedom and equality. This is a demonstrable fact of history.
Socialist nations can be either freedom oriented or dictatorial. Go to Western Europe where Bohm lives and you will find those Socialist nations that believe in freedom and democracy and I should say much more than the United States with its plutocracy. You conveniently pick out the examples that you wish and ignore the ones that contradict your ideology.
How many Hollywood millionaires lead a train-wrecked life in spite of all their money?
Why Hollywood millionaires and not the others who outnumber them?